The Radiation Safety Assistant was the first EH&S-focused application developed by On Site Systems. It is a robust module to track and manage all radioactive materials with an intuitive web-based interface. Designed with the assistance of Lab Personnel, we strive to meet your everchanging needs.
P.I./Lab Manager Connectivity
The above listed applications are a part of the overall Radiation Safety Applications. From a P.I.s perspective, the program is even more powerful because it allows the P.I. the ability to register new workers, remove workers, add space, remove space and request changes to the individual isotope license limits, An example of a request to update an existing permit is shown under the Web Builder application. Inventory Managing the use of radioactive materials from cradle to grave is an additional very powerful tool offered within EH&S Assistant. Receiving the radioactive material, entering package inspection results, and documenting the use from the vial to the in-lab container is an excellent means to remain compliant. Removing volume or activity and indicating the waste type and the in-lab container number facilitates the cradle to grave capabilities of this application. Once the in-lab container is full, a request to pick-up that container is all that is required. There is no need to re-enter the activity and volume within the container. The individual is only required to transfer the in-lab container to the decay in storage area or to a bulk container. Once this is completed, you make the determination to pour to the sewer, incinerate, throw in trash, or ship off-site with no re-entering of data. This data was entered during usage thus the activity is documented. Just manage where you transferred the contents. It's as simple as that. |
There are additional applications that help in the management of radioactive materials within a lab environment. The procurement of RAD materials is a fairly easy straight forward process. Once the details are entered, the EHS Assistant checks to ensure individual permit possession limits are not exceeded and that the organizational limits will not be exceeded. It will also check for restrictions or compliance issues that would affect the purchase of additional radioactive materials. Contamination Surveys This is an application that will manage the entering of contamination survey results. These surveys can be general or very specific in documenting the wipes or details of the number of wipes and whether contamination was found. Worker Registration Options to request to register a new worker or remove a worker from a specific permit is also available. Once the registration or removal process complete, EHS will receive an email indicating that a worker has been removed or registered. It's the responsibility of EHS to review and approve but EHS is not required to re-enter the registration information. This worker registration is in lieu of using the Web Compliance Builder registration. Worker registration by that method requires an amendment added. |
Image: EHSA Contamination Survey | Wipe Test Example